Contact: Rick Liftig
West Hartford
The Pond House Cafe
1555 Asylum Avenue
West Hartford, CT 06117
United States of America
West Hartford Rotary has had an INCREDIBLE year! It's time to celebrate our achievements and welcome the new Board in for 2024-2025. And it will be a special pleasure to induct our new President, Diane Barber, award several Paul Harris Fellowships, and of course, recognize our "Rotarian of the Year."
So, I am inviting you to the Rotary Club of West Hartford's Annual Installation Dinner which will be held at The Pond House Cafe (in Elizabeth Park).. The event will take place on Wednesday, June 26th from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM

The final menu will be sent to you in the next week or so, but for now, I need to know if you, and any guests will be attending. On the menu will be apps, a buffet dinner, and dessert. There will be a cash bar. One small difference this year: We are charging $35 per person in order to defray costs. I can bill you through your ClubRunner account, credit card or take a check. 
Please let me know within the next ten days! Reply to me:
And, if you have special dietary needs (ie. vegan, gluten free, nut allergies, etc.), please let me know well in advance. (Special meals can be ordered)
I hope that I will see you there.
Very truly yours,
Dr. Rick Liftig
President 2024-25