The Grill Has a New Set of Wheels!
A Special Order was Received

After many moons, the Rotary grill (used in every Celebrate! West Hartford event since the beginning of time) finally has a new set of Michelin X tires. Thanks to the miracle of the internet, the pair of 2.04253.53 4 inch Pipe Stem Casters with Polyolefin wheels was found on the Accesscaster.com website.
Special thanks to Bob Rau for having just the right tool. And, Bob provided this fun fact: this grill was handmade by a fellow in Pennsylvania. It's a real collectors item and designed to survive the apocalypse. The wheels should be good for at least 50,000 miles. Take a close look at the top photo and you'll see the OEM wheel on the ground - it's quite flat. And, you always need a good jack to change a tire. We didn't even have to call AAA!