West Hartford Rotary Sponsors Dental Clinic in Uganda!
West Hartford Rotary, in cooperation with the Kampala Seven Hills Rotary Club, the Rotary Foundation, The Connecticut State Dental Foundation and "Well Wishes for Uganda," opened a new dental clinic in Nkozi, Uganda. Spearheading the effort has been Dr. Carolyn Malon. a West Hartford Rotarian.
Dental disease in the third world can be a life-threatening issue. Infections can spread easily without treatment. And it is not uncommon to see an eighteen year old missing the majority of their teeth.
This is not West Hartford Rotary's first international project. In the recent past, we have helped create clean water sources and purchased dialysis units in the Philippines. And, the Rotary Foundation is on track to eradicate the polio virus this year or next. The number of worldwide cases of polio each year is now down to single digits. 
Rotary is amazing - it provides a vehicle for our actions on the local level to help out people halfway around the world! Today, Rotary holds the highest consultative status offered to a nongovernmental organization by the United Nation’s Economic and Social Council, which oversees many specialized UN agencies.
WH Rotary Brings $10,000 worth of Food to the Food Pantry!
Several truckloads of food were purchased - $10,000 worth!
We transported and loaded the food into the basement of Town Hall and the West Hartford Food Pantry
"Service Above Self" - the Rotary Motto
What a great day to serve the community!